Burleigh Head National Park
Works include the treatment of Asparagus fern, Ochna, Murraya, Catus, Mother of Millions, Chinese Celtis, Dutchmans's Pipe, Coral Berry, Singapore Daisy, Paspalum Grass, Sliver Leaf Desmodium, Morning Glory, and Milk Weed to name a few.
Journal of Volunteer Works
Click on the dates below to view the volunteer works journal entry for that date.
+ 07/03/16
Clean Up Australia Day at Burleigh Heads National Park. It was a beautiful day to contribute to this park. With my children by my side the volunteers split into groups. My group headed to the summit of the headland where we removed large amounts of plastic bottles used to supply water and liquid fertilser to a crop of lets say.. weed species.
During the process TWAIA was asked to explain the regeneration works within the park. So the morning wasn't just about picking up rubbish but also a workshop. 9 garage bags later the area was clear so the volunteers, continued through the park collecting rubbish, clearing the environment
It was a great day. Many new faces.. good to see a lot of old faces. Volunteers from the first day. Love your dedication.
Volunteer works continue, 1st Sunday of every month. Come down to support your national park, be a part of the community and I am all to willing to explain techniques, explain the environment. Please bring your children.. Let them experience the important things in life.
+ 17/01/16
Volunteer project hosted by Queensland Parks and Wildlife continued for the third time at Burleigh Heads National Park.
This month we targeted the Dutchman's Pipe at the summit of the headland. The World As I Am explained the significance of this weed species (which is mentioned in previous posts ).. techniques of eradication before we commenced.
Volunteers collected the seeds pods while James (the park ranger) and I eradicated the vines using the cut scrap and paint technique. Much progress was made. We removed thousands of seeds and destroyed over 100 vines.
I want to thank James, Joy, Corne, Craig and my children Summer and Ashton for your great work and contributions in helping the environment.
The Richmond Birdwing butterflies thank you.
+ 06/12/15
QPWS held its second volunteer day at Burleigh Heads National Park at 8.00am. It was great to see volunteers of all ages attend. Work continued from the previous month targeting weed species suppressing the growth of native plants. Target weeds were Asparagus fern, Murraya, Ochna, Coral berry and Chinese Celtis. The techniques incorporated were manual removal, crowning of the Asparagus fern, foliar spray and cut and paint for the more mature species. Look forward to next month to continue the conservation work within the park
+ 01/12/15
Queensland Parks and Wildlife began a volunteer project at Burleigh Heads National Park. Dedicated visitors to the park turned up at 8.00am to begin works on the eradication of Asparagus fern and Ochna in the south eastern portion of the park. The works continued east from where The World As I Am (TWAIA) ended. TWAIA was asked to help to train the volunteers, explaining the best techniques to control the asparagus ferns. It was a great morning... much was achieved and we are looking forward to next month when the volunteer project continues.