Journal of Works
Click the dates below to view the works journal entry for that date.
+ WEEK OF 11/04/16
Works began at the Windabout Dr Reserve on Beechmont. On the first day I spent about an hour surveying the southern portion, to understand the eco system and identify the weed species present and the best approach to ensure the best outcome given the days allocated to this site.
This site is a fruit bowl of weed species, but Broad Leafed Privet dominated the canopy, mid and understorey in most ecosystems within this reserve.
I was tasked to begin works in two sections of this reserve. One in the southern portion and the other in the North Western section. As the gradient undulates south north, we begin on the Southern Eastern boundary heading north treating all mature Privet, which was the seed source for much of this reserve. Frilling was the technique implemented with some cut and paint work on the smaller species.
Prior to beginning the second ecosystem, the Parks section of Scenic Rim organised two Green Army teams to assist me with the treatment of Privet. Again, it was the dominate species. With these teams, we focused on the habitat in the North Western portion of the park. The Green Army removed Privet in the understorey, while The World As I Am treated the mid and canopy species.
It was great to see the diligence of the teams. If they weren’t sure what they were about to remove, whether to was a weed or a native species they would ask. Guioa semiglauca was present within this eco system and to a beginner, can be easily confused with Privet. They asked plenty of questions about techniques and plant ID which we were more than happy to pass on.
This habitat will not require any constructive revegetation as native regeneration is present within the understorey, but needs some assistance in controlling the weeds as there is a healthy presence of seed bank within the soil. I am confident that the areas we have worked in will regenerate naturally with consistent secondary work.
Work in this reserve will continue on Monday the 18/04/16
+ WEEK OF 4/4/16
Works began at the Withern Reserve on the corner of Limerick Dr and Upper Coomera Rd. Upon first site inspection it was obvious that this site required long term strategies as the weed species present were numerous. Garden escapees.
In the canopy, Chinese Celtis was the dominate species with some Camphor Laurel present as well. The World As I Am was tasked to eradicate them. Because this site has so many different varieties of weeds species throughout the understorey is was important not the clutter this understorey with debris from fallen Celtis trees.
The World AS I am was also tasked to remove every weed species within 10m on the adjoining property to the west. This included canopy, mid and understorey species along with vines.
Every weed present identified in this reserve was also present in the properties west, within this catchment line. Seed source will be ever present unless property owners manage their weed problem. Unfortunately, this reserve is only 50ms away from the Coomera river. All weeds present in this reserve have been feeding the river system.
Any weed species small enough to use loppers were cut and painted. The best technique, given this ecosystem was to frill mature trees, which will allow follow up work within the understorey.
These species include: Easter Cassia, Lantana, Creeping Lantana, Smooth Leafed Seanna, Mimosa Lily, Coral Berry, Dutchman’s Pipe, Moth Vine, Tabaco Plant, Devils Fig, Ground Asparagus fern, Mist flower, Crofton Weed, Cobblers Pegs.
+ WEEK OF 28/3/16
First project with the Scenic Rim council. Lions Park Canungra. Target species were Castor Oil on the SW bank of Canungra Creek where this weed has dominated this eco system for years. Dense, the site was a monoculture excluding the varieties of Ipomoea and Glycine vines that climbed through the canopy.
It was apparent within the first 10 minutes that loppers and folding saw weren’t going to cut it for this site. These Castor Oil were 10m tall with some basals the width of dinner plates. It was two days of intense chainsaw work. It was hard going as the vines prevented the Castor Oil from falling, each plant had to be cut and manually separated.
Along the creek bank the Castor oil was leaning over the water. Dragging the Castor oil out of the creek and over the bank with vines entangled throughout the branches was extremely taxing. Would put it up there with some of the hardest labour to date.
But the end result was great. Seed source as been removed. Seed bank on the other hand… very present. Been seeding for years, more than ten. Juveniles present in high density and will be for a very long time. This site will require constant maintenance.
Recommended that treatment of this site begins no later than February each year to prevent seed dispersal. Given the lack of native species foliar spray is ideal but surveying this site prior to treatment is also recommended. This site would benefit with conservation revegetation. Seedlings planted on this site, particularly pioneer species to form a canopy would prevent or reduce the amount of Castor Oil seeds from germinating. As for the banks, riparian species such as Lomandra longifolia, L hystrix, Melaluleuca viminalis, Lophostemon confertus, Ficus coronata etc would really contribute to the integrity of the bank.